Hey Are you open to working on projects right now?

[sic title] …


How to fully spend AmEx gift cards on Amazon in 2024

Great news! You just got an American Express gift card! …


Numerology for 1 to 10,000 things

Have you ever been staring at a list of things for sale. And they are serial numbered between 1 and 10,000, inclusive, and you wonder which one to buy? …


How to connect Roku to Xfinity Wi-Fi

When you login to Xfinity Wi-Fi with a computer you need to login with a browser. …


Open letter to American Airlines about also-known-as name policy

Here is an open letter to American Airlines about multiple system failures we found on a recent trip. I hope this letter is helpful, fun and… actionable! Please let’s work together to make flying better in the 21st century. I still have a lot of the world left to see!!! …


IRS proposed regulation for crypto

The United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has proposed regulations for how taxes and transaction reporting will apply to crypto and other digital assets. …


You can break into these dApp admin accounts today

Alternate title: how to properly implement logins with a public-key system …


What is the worst thing that could happen if I sign a bad message?

Did you ever quickly sign a message and not know what it was? …


RainbowMask, use random accounts to login to Web3

Introducing RainbowMask, login to any Web3 website without making an account …


The case for war against Canada

I trained a neural network using war-is-always-the-answer articles from Bill Kristol. …


Which campaign is from a neural network?

In politics, the mechanics of winning relies on getting broad messages delivered in very specific ways to excite people enough to go vote. …


The European Data Act and regulating calculator.exe

The European Data Act codifies requirements for smart contracts. …


Quasi fungible token and MiCA

This week, Europe passed legislation regulating markets for crypto tokens. This is the markets in crypto-assets (MiCA) regulation. There’s a few ways to read regulation: …


What is money, and how is Bitcoin/tokens different?

How well do you kow what money is? We will explore a few intuitive things that money is, break them down, and then see how Bitcoin and tokens on blockchain are so much different. …


Moon dust: auditable, versioned databases

Blockchain people have been to “the moon” and back down to Earth. We brought back moon dust. …


OpenSea cooperated transaction with SDN sanctioned entity

This article is a review of facts and is not an allegation of any crime. …


The future of web3 is centralization

And so was the past. A fairer title here would be “the future of digital-signature-based commerce (or ‘blockchain’) will still rely on custodians”. But we’re writing blog posts here, people, not dissertations! …


Why Plaid is a scam

Plaid.com is a company that collects bank account logins and passwords to “verify” your login to other quasi-banking institutions. They are a service provider to other companies, and here is what it looks like: …


Add your friends to the SDN list with this one weird trick

There is humor in this article title, you do not want to add your friends to the Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) list. This list is published by the US Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) and is used to enforce economic sanctions and other financial restrictions imposed by the United States government. …


Does OpenSea Shared Storefront have a backdoor?

This project demonstrates how OpenSea administrators can take any tokens minted on the OpenSea Shared Storefront. This is a previously-undocumented backdoor. …


What kinds of things should be standardized?

A standard, in technical settings, is an established specification which allows any compliant thing to work with any compliant user of that thing, also known as cross-connect. It is a set of restrictions, or marketing claims, incumbent upon the standardized product. …


NFTs, good or bad for art?

In the beginning there were cats. …


My travel intentions

I would love to be on the road all the time meeting the designers and builders that craft the future we all see coming. This future is accountable, transparent, respectful of customers and increasingly built on concepts brought up by blockchain and NFTs. …


Monthly updates

Part of my own new year’s plan was to set a professional mission (inspired by Musk’s “Die on Mars”) and organize my time to getting towards that. Here’s the mission: …


Ethics statement on buying NFTs

How can you tell if a blockchain enthusiast is shilling? Their lips are moving. …


The Perl script that rewrote Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four

I always dreamed of publishing my first book, a specific project, but it meant waiting for the 70th anniversary of George Orwell’s death. …


Randomization strategies for NFT drops

ℹ️ This article assumes a basic/intermediate understanding of game theory, blockchain transaction settlement, entropy (mathematics) and Solidity. However the conclusions and reasoning are usable to anybody evaluating risks with different NFT drop approaches. …


Token-Curated Registries, the Uses and Exploits

What are they, and are they useful? …


Hey we got ur thank you

Erin Quinlan: hey we got ur thank you card Full Decent: did you see on the back where i wrote I hate hannah? Erin Quinlan: nah lol Erin Quinlan: let me go see Erin Quinlan: no you didn’t Full Decent: madeya look …


Why FairTax is stupid

Below are some basic notes against the book The FairTax Book by Neal Boortz and John Linder. …


Current notes patches diff kdesm

Current notes …

2006-07-06#my-life programming

I got ksmserver compiled

I got ksmserver compiled, thanks to a few changes by Lubos! And the advice here http://kopete-qq.blogspot.com/2006/06/howto-upgrade-to-head-kdelibs4.html helped me get rid of my segfault. …

2006-06-28#my-life programming

Some notes about my Google SOC project

Here's some notes I'm made about my Google SOC project. …


Collatz research

When I was looking into the Collatz conjecture, I ran into this sequence: …


Google SoC

I have been accepted into the Google SOC program. I will be working on session management for KDE. If those words don’t mean anything to you, it is unfortunate because there will now be technical content in my blog. …


Is it OK to skip wearing your retainer for a few weeks?

Do you know what it’s like to wear a retainer after you haven’t worn it in a long time? It’s like putting a fist in your mouth. …


The molecular origin of hunger

the hunger molecules are accumulating in my stomach …


Whammy pod

Mom: Are you saying that your friends are staying in that apartment past senior year? Full Decent <AUTO-REPLY>: Will, If you come home this weekend, perhaps you could give me some advanced I Pod lessons. Like, how to turn it on. What it does. How to wear the earphones. I haven’t used this thing at all. Love, Mom Mom: Hey, how did you get my email into the IM. Manually, or some type of hacker trick that automatically converts emails to IMs? Full Decent: No, when you get something funny you want to tell everyone, you put it as your away message - then everyone can see it Mom: So, I’m a laughing stock. I see how it works now. Careful, or I’ll put your nude baby photos on my website. Full Decent: ulth Full Decent: you have a website? Mom: Ha! Ha! Ha! No, that was just a joke. I can’t even turn on the Ipod, remember? …



Includes spyware! Phones home on each use. …


Standards of online etiquette

I have been told several times that I have the absolute worst etiquette online. Well you know what? If you don’t have to wear pants to use instant messenger, isn’t it quite obvious that any other formalities do not apply? …


Riddle beakers

The AIM profile riddles are back! The old rankings are still in effect. The current riddle is: …


Best language for illicit code

So public safety comes into my room last night while I’m sleeping with a fanfare of the head of public safety, head of network security and 10+ other people. One is standing by to turn off the circuit breaker, and they’re ready to seize my computer. So I sat with them in the living room to answer some questions. Here is the conversation between the network security guy (herein: NSG) and myself: …


School is canceled

In the middle of the night, I learned about a mysterious and FAKE message canceling class for all Villanovans: …


C++ STL set functions… and liquids that can write code

Are you badass with C++ STL? Then fix this… …


Bad phone sex (that used to be good)

Is it possible to ruin sex with a phone call, if the person who called you is the person you’re sleeping with? …


The special ingredient for growing young trees

Kristin Quinlan: the tree to which you feed BEER was STOLEN from an ARBORETUM!? Kristin Quinlan: I legitimately purchased my tree, feed it water, and now it’s dying. Hmmmpppphhh. …


10 weird things you can do on a couch

Ode to a couch …


Riddle: answers to the coconut millionaire question

The last profile riddle: …


All posts

FYI, some of my older blogs posts are hosted at privacy log (vulnerability disclosures) and Life but I am migrating them to here one by one.