Ethics statement

This blog is basically essays I write to myself to reminisce and organize thoughts.

But since somebody else might read these pages, I strive to publish in a way that I’d like others to write to me. Please hold me accountable to these rules and I commit to fix anything that falls afoul of them.

Editorial independence

My independence and strict code of conduct allows me to publish without fear.

What you are reading is always my opinions, my reporting and my conclusions, unless otherwise clearly noted.

I may cover an entity in an article which I have a relationship with. If this is the case, that relationship should be clearly disclosed.

Product samples

I may request free samples / special access / demo accounts as part of reviewing something in exchange for writing a fair and constructive review. Fair means fair, not necessarily rosy. If I do this, I should disclose this fact to inform readers so that you understand how your experience might be different from mine and also so that you can make your own opinion on whether I am being fair and balanced.

One example of products I reviewed after receiving special access is my DCentral Miami 2021 review of NFT platforms. You can see here plenty of corrective feedback, in some cases there is barely any confirming feedback. My goal of doing these reviews is to be helpful and respectful, so if something is wrong I hope that my feedback can help the project in the long term whether it is “good” or “bad”.

See also my specific note about ethics and NFTs.


There is no advertising in this blog. Some of the links on these posts discussing a product may send you to a third-party website to buy that product. I may hopefully earn a commission on that sale, and each instance of commission eligibility should be noted on that page.


Inaccuracies in my posts will be corrected. The inaccurate information is removed and correct information is inserted. A summary of significant updates is included for each post. Forecasts that turn out to be incorrect are not inaccuracies as they represent a true thought as of a certain date.

Additionally, all website history is committed into a public git repository.

Best practices

This policy, and my understanding of ethical journalism in general, is influenced by Vox Media, specifically The Verge’s Ethics Statement.

They also have a great note on on background.

Consumer Reports has higher standards (and more funding) than me for product reviews, noted on their membership page.