I thought chain mail was a recent phenomenon. Meet friendship bread.
Friendship bread is the email forward of yesteryear. First you receive the “friendship bread” from someone who “cares about you”. This bread only lasts for 10 days and then goes bad. The idea is that you have to take this bread and work it into an ingredient in your own bread which takes 10 days to fully prepare. At the end, you have a yield of two times the original amount of bread. These bread spawn must be given to other “friends” who are now obligated to continue the forwarding, or else. If the chain is broken, the bread goes bad and nobody wins.
EDIT: please see updates in Jehovas flying butter converting virus
So wait, you take the bread, make two breads from it, but you have to give both away? You don't even get to eat one? This seems like a lot of work for nothing. And a scam. Some sort of reverse pyramid scheme...
I know both your Grandmas and one of them did this process. You do get to bake a loaf or 2 and the rest is given away for others to get started on their loaves. Wait until I tell your Grandma what you are writing about her.....
Please discuss this topic anywhere and let me know any great comments or media coverage I should link here.