- Order $2,500 in $1 coins, free shipping (order 5 different coins in $500 quantity)
- Receive coins, deposit to bank, pay credit card bill
- Get 1% cash back from your credit card
Here are the items, add two each to your cart:
Do this over and over, till you max out your card. I’m not joking. Also, you’ll be building your credit, by making large, on time payments with your credit card.
Thanks to Chris for staying up on their RSS.
This waste of money has been reported to the Government Accountability Office on 2008-10-15.
This still works for four of the five products. I have ordered two batches ($4500 total). I am attempting to order more and will let you know if it works.* * This is in contrast to the stated one per household limit
William Entriken
Please discuss this topic anywhere and let me know any great comments or media coverage I should link here.